Cookie Resources

Cookie Central is the one place where GSRV posts all cookie-related information for the 2021 Girl Scout cookie sale, including all forms, manuals, guides, etc.  Bookmark the page for easy reference.  


Digital Cookie App

Troop Cookie Manager 

All troops need to recruit and register a troop cookie manager to manage the Girl Scout Cookie Program for their own troop. This adult can be a dad, mom, grandma, grandpa, friend, or other volunteer, but should be organized and a registered member of the troop. The leader can serve as the troop cookie manager, but it’s much easier when they can recruit another volunteer, so the leader can focus on running the troop. 

The responsibilities of the troop cookie manager include:

Online Cookie Sales

Virtual Booth links will not be active until February 16th (Booth Go Day)

Cookie Booths

Here's a link to historical GSRV Cookie Booth Data, which can help you plan your booth inventory.  Note: it's just a snapshot of past sales, so you still want to use your best judgment in deciding how to stock your cookie booth.

Also, using the cookie calculator can be helpful to see the recommended breakdown of the cookie varieties --i.e. how many Thin Mints, Caramel DeLites, etc., not just the total number of packages.   

2024 Booth Instructions:

Make sure you report your Booth sales in Smart Cookies.  Pay it forward! 

EDINA Cookie Swap!  

We have a "Band" App platform to use for Edina troops to communicate in real time about cookie swaps.  Need more cookies? Before going to the cookie cupboard, post on the app and there may be an Edina troop who has inventory they'd like to transfer.  Or, have extra cookies?  Post on Band and there may be another troop who needs them for an upcoming cookie booth.  

Scan QR code with your smartphone or CLICK HERE for e-mail invitation.  

GSRV also has a Cookie Swap:

Invitation Code: Cookies24

2024 Cookie Cupboards

Smart Cookies FAQ

Tracking Donated Cookies (1).pdf

More FAQ!


Contact your Service Unit Cookie Manager at