Cookie Resources
Cookie Central is the one place where GSRV posts all cookie-related information for the 2021 Girl Scout cookie sale, including all forms, manuals, guides, etc. Bookmark the page for easy reference.
All troop cookie managers need access to Smart Cookies in order to manage the cookie sale. If you are managing your troop's cookie sale this year and don't have access, you'll need to contact GSRV at 1-800-845-0787 to get your account set-up. Note: Smart Cookies account access does not carry-over each year, so you will need to re-register the account each cookie season.
Cookie Central has a Smart Cookies guide posted which provides instructions and video tutorials for all the main functions of Smart Cookies.
There are also Smart Cookies video tutorials posted on the ABC Smart Cookies website which provide more detailed instructions for online sales.
Digital Cookie is a new platform this year for Girl Scouts to manage their online sales.
TCMs will STILL USE Smart Cookies to manage their troop's cookie inventory.
Click HERE for the tip sheet, Understanding Roles in Smart Cookies and Digital Cookies
Set up your Digital Cookie Troop account on a desktop computer, then download the app to take credit cards at booths or from customers directly. At a booth, use the Troop/Booth account to take customer orders via credit card.
Digital Cookie App
Troop Cookie Manager
All troops need to recruit and register a troop cookie manager to manage the Girl Scout Cookie Program for their own troop. This adult can be a dad, mom, grandma, grandpa, friend, or other volunteer, but should be organized and a registered member of the troop. The leader can serve as the troop cookie manager, but it’s much easier when they can recruit another volunteer, so the leader can focus on running the troop.
The responsibilities of the troop cookie manager include:
Attend a cookie training session before the sale begins
Collect orders and double-check totals (use those receipt booklets!)
Enter each girl’s order into Smart Cookies
Pick up troop’s cookie order (initial order and cupboard orders). You may send other troop volunteers to help with this task.
Prepare each girl’s order for pick up, including picking up receipts
Coordinate with your leader and other parents to sell any unclaimed or unsold product
Collect money from each girl and deposit into your troop checking account
On the designated date, pick up earned cookie rewards
Distribute rewards at next troop meeting
Online Cookie Sales
All registered Girl Scouts will receive a link on FEBRUARY 1st to set-up their individual DIGITAL COOKIES account. You must OPT-IN to sell online by following the instructions in the e-mail to activate your account. Online and Pre-sales start February 8th. You are not required to sell online, but you have the option to participate if you choose.
DIGITAL COOKIES is new in 2024... click here for instructions on how to use DIGITAL COOKIES. Note: TCMs will still use Smart Cookies to manage troop inventory, families will use Digital Cookies to manage online sales.
Smart Cookies tutorials are posted HERE, including how to send e-cards through Smart Cookies.
Virtual Booths: Here is a You-Tube video which explains all the steps to set-up a virtual booth.
Virtual Booth links will not be active until February 16th (Booth Go Day)
Cookie Booths
Here's a link to historical GSRV Cookie Booth Data, which can help you plan your booth inventory. Note: it's just a snapshot of past sales, so you still want to use your best judgment in deciding how to stock your cookie booth.
Also, using the cookie calculator can be helpful to see the recommended breakdown of the cookie varieties --i.e. how many Thin Mints, Caramel DeLites, etc., not just the total number of packages.
2024 Booth Instructions:
Make sure you report your Booth sales in Smart Cookies. Pay it forward!
EDINA Cookie Swap!
We have a "Band" App platform to use for Edina troops to communicate in real time about cookie swaps. Need more cookies? Before going to the cookie cupboard, post on the app and there may be an Edina troop who has inventory they'd like to transfer. Or, have extra cookies? Post on Band and there may be another troop who needs them for an upcoming cookie booth.
Scan QR code with your smartphone or CLICK HERE for e-mail invitation.
GSRV also has a Cookie Swap:
Invitation Code: Cookies24
2024 Cookie Cupboards
GSRV Cupboards will open February 16, 2024. NO COOKIE EXCHANGES OR RETURNS at cupboards.
Please try to get cookies from a local troop before going to the cookie cupboard. We want to help our service unit GS troops since there are NO RETURNS.
COMING SOON: Join the Edina GS Cookie Group on the Band platform to post swaps or troop to troop transfers within the Edina Service Unit. You can also use GSRV Cookie Swap to trade within the GSRV council. (Will be active mid-February, 2024)
Smart Cookies FAQ
TCMs must transfer cookies to girls in order for girls to get credit for sales. From the Smart Cookies dashboard, go to Orders/Transfer Order. Use a Troop to Girl transfer to give cookies from the troop account to the individual girl selling. This is especially important for Hybrid, "girl delivery" sales. You can refer to the Smart Cookies Guide for instructions.
More FAQ!
Troop cookie materials will be available after Troop Cookie Managers have attended cookie training.
Credit Card Sales? Digital Cookies has an app that will accept credit card payments, at booths and for individual sales. NO CREDIT CARD FEES for troops to use Digital Cookies.
Gluten-free cookies? Troops will only be guaranteed two cases per order. They sell for $6.00/package.
Money Deposits to Council? No more Council deposits! Weekly deposit all money to the troop account. Council will debit the troop account two times during the sale. Money MUST be in the account and troop will be responsible for any NSF fees on Council draws.
Inventory at end of sale? How to pay? If you have cookies at the end of the sale, you may sell after the end date. Fill out the money problem form requesting extra time to sell your inventory. The Council may give up to three extra months to pay for that inventory.
Will checks made out to Girl Scouts be accepted in our troop account? Yes. Checks made out simply to Girl Scouts can be deposited into your troop accounts.
Collection Problem Report: Use this form when there is a financial problem that has occurred during the Cookie Sale.
Cookie Rewards will be available at the end of the sale, dates TBD.
Contact your Service Unit Cookie Manager at